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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I think it's probably the most entertaining benchmark there is. Certainly my favorite in terms of entertainment value.
  2. @Papusan I cannot help but wonder how people that do not have a working internet connection are going to read an internet article about how to set up Windows 11 without an internet connection? 🙂
  3. For anyone else having issues with getting their Catzilla product key from Steam to run the standalone downloaded program, this may help: https://steamcommunity.com/app/261920/discussions/0/558750624753422315/ Quick Step Guide to Advanced 1. After running a benchmanrk go onto the results tab of catzilla 2. Click the Submit Results Button. It will give you a code then before atcually submitting the results 3. Copy that into a txt editor or run box then copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C) 4. Go to the catzilla website 5. Login then go to (http://www.catzilla.com/profil/userdetails) 6. Add / Paste (Ctrl+V) the code you just wrote down in to the "Invite or Steam Code" Box 7. Click update and Boom... Advanced version Code is Generated 8. Goto your Catzilla Profile and copy (CTRL+C) the Connection Mode Code. 9. Go back to the Catzilla App and Click on the Connect Tab. 10. Paste (Ctrl+V) the Connection Mode Code into the box provided... Boom.. Advanced Mode is now Enabled Save the key in a text file for future installations. When you are signed in at catzilla.com it will show you that key in your account as well.
  4. It is showing in your screen shot. Down near the bottom. Long code ending with 881. Delete your screenshot since it has your name and product ID showing.
  5. Did you download this one? If not, download and install that after removing any version you downloaded from Steam or elsewhere. The one from Steam and the one I had saved from a long time ago crash on all of my computers. https://catzilla.com/download If you need the Steam key for activation, once you have created a catzilla account and upload the first benchmark it will show in your catzilla.com account, or you can see this thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/261920/discussions/0/558750624753422315/
  6. Thank you. I grabbed one. If you were posting it on HWBOT it would require CPU-Z x3 (once each showing tabs for CPU, Mainboard and Memory, full screen-not cropped, showing taskbar and clock) just like the example below, but for here we are not going to be critical if you choose not to follow HWBOT rules. Example:
  7. Your generosity is inspirational and your kindness most appreciated. The fact that your actions are deliberate demonstrates sincerity and strength of character. The world we live in would be a better place if everyone behaved that way.
  8. Sometimes people that like, embrace or accept something get offended when hearing the opinions of those that oppose, object or disagree with them. Unfortunately, it has become too common for the response to be taken personally and followed with an admonishment that the objectors need to be quiet. That is the cancel culture we live in today. Even folks that object to the cancel culture cancer can easily find themselves acting in that manner because it is becoming inordinately normal. I even have to stop myself sometimes because it is too easy to get caught in that trap. It is important that we all practice what we preach. I find the easiest way to toe the line is to remind myself that I actually don't give a rat's butt about who agrees or disagrees with me, and not to take it personal when someone expresses a different opinion. I also remind myself that nobody likes to be told that their baby is ugly. Windows 11 is a very ugly baby, even though some people find it adorable. If this thread had been designed to serve as an echo chamber for Windows 11 fans to gather together and discuss why they like it so much, it would be inappropriate for the haters to jump in and start bashing it. But, this is a "news and announcements" thread. In that context, I think it is totally appropriate to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Anyone that doesn't recognize the fact that Windows 11 has introduced some significant and controversial changes that many rightfully find to be undesirable or unacceptable is either living in a bubble or not paying attention. I expect the division will only worsen when Windows 12 is dropped from their digital colon.
  9. That image is a preview, not the full resolution image. See my post above. If imagebb doesn't make it super easy to grab a direct link, use imgur or postimg.org instead. Boycott companies that make it difficult to do things your own way and try to force their own way. Those companies deserve to die. Yeah, that applies to the Redmond Retards, too.
  10. You need to use a direct link to the full-size image itself, not the page showing the image inside of a web page. You can verify it is a direct link because if you paste it as a URL the image appears as the full web page with nothing else visible in your browser the image is the entire web page. If you are looking at the image in full resolution at imagebb, right click and "open image in a new tab" should also do it. Copy/paste that URL. It is not free, but should be super cheap. Check the price on Steam and catzilla.com. The Steam key will work without Steam. The only thing that makes it a Steam key is purchasing it there. (Same is true of Steam 3Dmark keys.)
  11. Nice. Did you get a Steam key for it? That should unlock all of the options. Last time I checked, the installer at catzilla.com was newer than the version on Steam.
  12. 4K: https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1141712|*|Result Details 1440p: https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1141710|*|Result Details 1080p: https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1141714|*|Result Details https://hwbot.org/submission/4936355_mr._fox_catzilla___1080p_geforce_rtx_3090_72394_marks/
  13. A desktop even with an older GPU like 2080 Ti would be a significant performance upgrade over a laptop. Here is that benchmark run on my work desktop with "High" and "Very High" settings. Here is 3090 again, run at 1920*1080 High and Very High, and 2560*1440 High and Very High. Roughly measured, 2080 Ti 1920*1080 High is about equivalent to 3090 2560*1440 Very High.
  14. You can tell the difference even dragging a Windows Explorer window around on your desktop. It will move with a bit of jitter or jerkiness to it on a 60Hz display as compared to being very smooth looking at 120Hz or higher. You generally won't notice anything looking at static images, only when motion is involved. I would not consider it dramatic as much as noticeable. The real benefit is for those sensitive to screen tearing if your gaming framerate is much higher than the refreshrate. If you are generally in the 60-75 FPS range, then you may not be able to notice any huge improvment. If you are sensitive to screen tearing, being able to avoid V-sync and G-Stink is a plus because you don't have any input lag or performance degradation running with both of those "features" disabled.
  15. I am not sure what that link is for. Maybe it was posted in error? A desktop even with an older GPU like 2080 Ti would be a significant performance upgrade over a laptop. Here is that benchmark run on my work desktop with "High" and "Very High" settings.
  16. They haven't done anything well since Windows 7 SP1. They have done nothing but fail since Windows 8, so I do not have any expectation that they will magically change that. I have no reason to believe they are capable of improvement at this point. Their definition of success matches my definition of failure.
  17. I have been meaning to ask about your signature. What is it in reference to? I suspect you put it there to make others curious, and it obviously worked. 🙂
  18. @ryan while I am not a fan of Wuxia and the female protagonist thing that has recently become weirdly popular, this game plays very well as a FPS and does an incredible job of showing how amazing ray tracing can look when it is at its best. There is a free benchmark for it.
  19. A much sadder fact than needing a Micro$lop account to set up future versions of Winduhz 11 is that there are people that will. The tolerant sheeple are to blame for this. Their brainless compliance is the reason bad products and the bad people offering them unjustly continue to prosper.
  20. They sell pre-packaged bad luck. It is like playing the lottery in reverse. You get to decide how bad the loss will be once you load your shopping cart.
  21. Well, I did have the X299 Rampage motherboard that caught fire a while back, and then the Z490 Apex that failed and killed a 10900KF of excellent bin quality. But, nothing on the order of magnitude recently. It is pretty unbelievable. Between the money wasted on Ryzen trash and the recent series of unfortunate outcomes, I could have built a 12th Gen setup with the best motherboard and RAM available with money left over. Maybe God wants me to pay more attention to Him and more important matters, and less on this hobby. While I have had a string of very unfortunate circumstances with PC tech, the most recent was my own fault. There was a still small voice telling me not to spend money on Ryzen and I did it anyway. Things have been on a downhill spiral since then. But, there are millions of people in more severe life challenges than I have tolerated. If I keep things in perspective, I am still greatly blessed. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, not due to fate. But, I don't know what it is yet. Hopefully, someday I will. We commonly use the word "luck" to describe the occurrence of good or bad events in our lives, but I don't actually believe in luck in its strictest definition. There is just not a better word for it, so that is the word we use.
  22. I guess my bad luck streak isn't over. 😞 That CPU died. I can't see anything wrong with it. After benching it earlier today, I set it back to 5.3GHz all core at 1.265V. I used the computer for several more hours, then I had dinner with two of my kids and their families. I came back a couple of hours later, set the BIOS to defaults and flashed the firmware on BIOS position #2 with v1.10 from EVGA. When it shut down after flashing it never booted again. It also won't boot in the Strix mobo. It shows a VGA error on the Strix (VGA red LED comes on). It goes through the normal series of codes on the LCDs and acts like it is going to POST and then stops with a Q-code 24 on the Z490 Dark. I cannot find any documentation on Q-code 24. So, I am back to using my SP81 10900K. It's not the firmware. I am using the BIOS I flashed with no issues. I am really super bummed out. I got to use it 3 days. I don't understand how/why it happened. Makes no sense. $400 down the toilet. I think it is time for me to give up for real.
  23. Crysis is played in the name of Crysis. Nothing else is as worthy to be played.
  24. Happy to share it. I added a link in the opening post of this thread.
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