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Everything posted by Clamibot

  1. With a water chiller, you'd probably be better off directly cooling the CPU with the chiller. The TEC will get overwhelmed if you produce more heat than it can pump out, and you'll end up with the heat stuck there, even with a chiller applying massive cooling to the hot side of the TEC. I got my MasterLiquid ML360 Sub-Zero on clearance sale for $120. It's now $100. I'd imagine their V2 will probably drop to around the same price once 14th gen Meteor Lake is released. Cooler Master's offering is an AIO, and the Peltier element they use isn't that much worse than EK's version while being much cheaper than their waterblock by itself. How did people mod these? Did they just swap out the stock Peltier element with a more powerful one? I really want to upgrade the Peltier element on my AIO, but I don't know if I'd need a software modification to Intel's Cryo cooling software to get it to run at full blast. I saw some 340 watt Peltier elements on sale on Amazon for around $25, and the dimensions are the same as the Peltier element in my MasterLiquid ML360 Sub-Zero. It'd be interesting if I could get it to work, but I'm not sure if the level of cooling is driven by the voltage applied to the TEC exclusively or if there's an artifical power limit somewhere. Modifying the software isn't an issue since I'm a sofware developer, but I need access to their source code. If there's an artifical power cap of 185 watts, then upgrading the Peltier element will do nothing unless I can also modify the software.
  2. With your 13900KF, I'd expect 6.5 GHz across all P-cores while gaming to be possible with a TEC running in unregulated mode.
  3. *manial laughter ensues MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I have the Masterliquid ML360 Sub-Zero, and that's what allowed me to push the super 10900K as far as I did. Cooler Master announced a V2 a while back. Now I see EK has made their own version just like last time, which means the next TEC AIO from Cooler Master will probably be released soon as well. TECs are horribly inefficient, but their ease of use and small size is unparalleled compared to phase change cooling. Again, these coolers are meant for extreme high performance systems where power consumption at full load doesn't matter. I'd like to see some mainstream phase change cooling solutions in the future too. That'd be great! More performance for everyone! Plus, we as enthusiasts will be able to push things even further. I was really hoping the EK version of this TEC would have at least a 300 watt Peltier element given its price. Hopefully Cooler Master has upgraded their 185 watt Peltier element from the V1 to something significantly more powerful. I can't wait to get my hands on one of these and a 13900K and overclock it to the moon. That will make for a killer gaming system!
  4. A little heads up: the paste is extremely hard to spread. Don't bother doing this since the paste is very thick. Just squash it down using your heatsink and use the mounting force to spread it for you. People who say Nanogrease sucks say it sucks because it's so thick and hard to spread. There's no need to spread thermal paste yourself though, and I never understood why people do that. The heatsink will spread the paste for you when you screw it in.
  5. You managed to jinx things in the most positive way possible. 🤣 Personally I'd say go for it. I'd be very interested to see what CENS could do with the chip, and I'd use the money to go buy a 13900KS on release. This is your ticket to getting "free upgrades" on your hardware. Basically what I mean by that is that you'll no longer have to pay out of pocket for hardware upgrades. I know some members on this forum fund all their hardware upgrades by selling their old parts or systems, and therefore hadn't had to pay out of pocket for new hardware for a while now. I could do this myself with all I have sitting around, but I'm not good at finding people to buy my stuff. 🤣
  6. Oh joy! Intel has gone full retard as well! Who's next? It's like every company whose products I like are one by one going full retard in an effort to make me not want to buy anything from them anymore.
  7. I concur. I use Nanogrease on all my systems, and it is the only thermal paste I use nowadays. It's the only paste worth using in a high performance system. The only thing better is liquid metal.
  8. I don't think I'm gonna get better results than this from my super 10900K unless I move the CPU back into my X170 and ghetto rig up some extreme cooling to the CPU part of the unified heatsink. This CPU requires less voltage in my X170 for the same clock speeds when running it at normal temperatures. Gigabyte's motherboards consistently require more voltage than other motherboard brands to keep the CPU stable at any given speed. Imagine a 10900K running at 5.7, maybe even 5.8 GHz in a Clevo X170. Now that would be a sight to behold! I already got it running at 5.5 GHz on semi-normal cooling in this laptop. Time to move it back.
  9. To be fair, I didn't know bending cables too much could cause problems either, and I'm an enthusiast just like everyone else on this forum. I thought the cables were more secure than that. That's new knowledge for me that I'll keep in mind for future builds. LOL you may not need to delid, but why not do it? It'll just improve your results further. With your chip, you could probably reach some insanely high speeds with your chiller working at max. We're all giddy with excitement at the prospect of what you can achieve. 🤪
  10. The modifications to the heatsink by zTecpc include according to them: a 3 part thermal mod to improve temperatures. They never detailed what those things were, but I have some guesses. I think one of those things is K5 Pro on the GPU's VRAM instead of thermal pads. I'm guessing the second modification is using shorter screws for the heatsink to increase mounting pressure. The third modification must be the addition of washers on top of the screw holes to further increase mounting pressure. The heatsink is also of high quality. There have been complaints of warped heatsinks on Clevo laptops in the past, but this one is pretty much perfectly flat.
  11. It depends on your heatsink. I got my X170SM-G from zTecpc, and they made some modifications to the heatsink to improve the cooling. The CPU coldplate is also very flat. I have a delidded CPU, have the Rockitcool full copper IHS, and have liquid metal between the IHS and heatsink. All these things in tandem with my 10900K being a good chip has allowed me to do 5.4 GHz all core in games (not 100% load stress tests!). Some very CPU instensive games will cause the CPU power draw at this speed to momentarily spike to 275 watts, with an average of around 220 watts. I am only a few degrees away from thermal throttling at this point even with max fans. In general, each of the improvements that were made on my laptop opened up an extra bin (extra 100 MHz) for me. I got a good 400 MHz boost in all-core speeds for gaming. I think I am the only person on the planet currently with a 10900K running at such a speed in this laptop. Your mileage will vary as there are multiple factors that will determine the benefit you'll get from delidding + liquid metal. Is your CPU an i7-10700 or i7-10700K? In either case, I'd expect at least an 8°C drop in temperature from a delid + liquid metal between the IHS + heatsink.
  12. You plan on running this thing direct die? It would be awesome to see what your chip could achieve under that.
  13. There is a Micro Center about 30 minutes away from where I live, and my dad and I go there together every so often. We always tell my mom that we're going to the toy store. 🤣 I absolutely love being there, even if I'm not there to buy anything. We go there for most of our hardware needs.
  14. Dude, this project is absolutely amazing, and is something I was planning to do myself in the future. What's the case currently made of? Acrylic? My only gripe is that I can't find any portable 21.5 inch 144 Hz monitors. I like my big screens. Really wish 18 inch laptops would make a comeback.
  15. Don't scare me dude. I just got my X170 from zTecpc one year ago! If my GPU dies, I'm screwed. Fortunately, I've had very good luck with hardware, but stuff like this still scares me. 🤣
  16. I'm very tempted to get a 13900KS once they're released. I just built a new workstation and already want to swap out the CPU.🤣 All this benching I'm doing with my super 10900K is leaving me wanting more. Also, I really want a portable gaming desktop I can fit in my laptop bag. Perhaps a custom loop with inlet/outlet ports for hooking up a water chiller to it would be good. I've gotten introduced to all sorts of awesome things these past few years such as high performance thermal paste, liquid metal, CPU delidding, a real DTR (my trusty X170), and sub-ambient cooling. I've gained so much knowledge and I'm loving it! Custom watercooling will probably be next for me.
  17. That's awesome man, good for you! You enjoying your new super speed internet connection? Yep. To add to both of these, some studies have shown that people are able to detect changes in motion on the order of just 1 millisecond. That means the effective refresh rate of the human eye is around 1000 Hz. But of course we don't perceive things in frames per second. Rather, as @Reciever said, we perceive changes in object position, otherwise known as motion. A static image won't look any different no matter the refresh rate of the screen. Quick motion however will be clearer the higher the framerate is. The quicker the motion, the higher the framerate required for smooth perception of motion. This is because higher framerates allow for higher motion resolution. So in short, higher refresh rates allow us to perceive motion closer to an analog manner, as motion occurs in instantaneous timesteps in the physical realm we inhabit.
  18. To be fair, Jufes primary focus is gaming performance, but even then I think the performance results are a bit skewed. Video streaming is going to reduce your framerate a bit, and testing with a 4090 would allow more room for the CPU to show us what it's made of. The BIOS used is also an early revision. Essentially there are multiple things culminating in the testing conditions being suboptimal vs his testing with the 12900K. The fact there is still a 1% gain despite all of that suggests the actual gains should be significantly higher.
  19. Last night I had a dream that Clevo released an X370 model with a 13900KS and RTX 40 series GPU. It looked very similar to the X170, but a little bit thinner, wider, and longer/deeper. It was more like the size of an 18 inch laptop. It had an absolutely massive unified vapor chamber for the CPU and GPU. Thinking of the design I saw in my dream, assuming they give this thing dual 330 watt power bricks like with the P870, it should be possible to cram a 13900KS and RTX 4090 into the laptop. The 13900KS would perform just as it would in a desktop, and we should be able to get around 95% of the performance out of the 4090 as we would in a desktop. Even if this X370 got dual 280 watt power bricks like the X170, we'd still have an RTX 4090 that performs 90% as well as it would in a desktop. I'll take that even if I have to pay a premium for a real DTR! With a bit of tuning, we can get it right back to that 95% mark, which is close enough. The unified vapor chamber I saw should be capable of dissipating at least a 700 watt combined heat output. It was MASSIVE. X370 with 13900KS and RTX 4090? Oh man that's a dream. It'd probably be prohibitively expensive, but I still want to see it happen. One can hope. If Clevo actually releases such a laptop, that'll give a whole new meaning to "laptop of my dreams". I really hope they do.
  20. Aww man. Thanks for letting me know though. That's very strange that Clevo included a MUX and the traces to the iGPU only on the KM-G model but never made use of the MUX. You'd think it would be present on both the SM-G and KM-G. Regardless, it makes no sense as to why this capability was never utilized.
  21. Thank you very much for this. I didn't know dark mode was even an option. I immediately enabled it after I saw you mention where it was. Dark mode for life baby!
  22. Dude this is amazing news! This gives me hope that I will one day see amazing battery life on my SM-G. I love this laptop, but I really would like better battery life from it, cause you know the point of laptops is to be able to use them away from a power outlet for a significant amount of time. Given that there is an iGPU present on the system, there isn't any reason to not use it when on the go. You just proved it can be done.
  23. I was originally going to get the KM-G model but decided to get the SM-G model with Premamod from zTecpc since I saw a good deal on it. I'm glad to see I made the right choice since there seems to be nothing but complaints about the KM-G model.
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