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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. This only worked for Version, and after I restarted, XTU refuses to boot and the launcher says something along the lines of, "cannot start because of unsupported platform." I could not do the trick with version 2.1.408.35 and as they don't use a Package Cache folder and don't have any .MSI files. I even tried installing Intel Desktop Control Center, and even that gives me the same "Cannot install on unsupported platform" error. I also tried the working with old_6.4.1.23 file, and that one worked, but gave me no options to change anything.
  2. I've tried a majority of the XTU versions from both of you. Anything that is 4.xx or lower says that it is "Attempted to install on an unsupported platform" and anything that is newer than 4.xx either bugs out or doesn't show anything. I also tried Turbo VCore, but the installer says you need an Asus motherboard. I was using a new version though, maybe I can try an old version?
  3. I've tried XTU, but the new versions and the Haswell version you gave me don't work. I haven't dug too deep into finding a working XTU version for the Arrandale chips, but I guess I could start digging. Thanks for the suggestion!
  4. Its a long story, but I've got the motherboard working again, either my power supply is dead (which I hope it isn't) or something went terribly wrong. Anyways, I've been trying to get SetFSB to work, but none of the clock generators work. Most of them give me errors while a few others will freeze the system or put a few random colored pixels on my monitor. Are there any other tools you guys are aware of that will allow me to up the BCLK?
  5. On a sidenote from the heatpipes, I have been struggling with the HM55 build for about the past week... It makes me want to gouge my eyes out. I got a bracket for my Quadro 600 to use as a GPU, but every time I would put it in, I would get "Disk could not be read" errors (these errors would go away once I reset the BIOS and took the GPU out. For the very few times I managed to get into windows with the Quadro, it has been extremely sluggish. To the point where I have to wait 20-30 minutes for a click to register. I've tried many different Quadro drivers, but they all fail. I decided to run DDU tonight, and it took about 2 hours to do its thing, and then it hung on the logging out screen for another hour. I decided to press the reset button to see if that would fix the soft lock, and thats the last time the computer has booted... I'm in the process of troubleshooting right now, but the power supply won't even turn on if I jump the starter pins. I've taken out the CMOS battery and used the jumper to reset the BIOS, and that hasn't worked. I've taken the Quadro and the Wifi card out and it still hasn't worked. I'll test RAM in a bit or tommorow, I'm getting really sick of this board. I've been needing to make a thread with my plans, but I don't even know if I can do what I planned on doing anymore, this board seems to be too problematic. The BIOS is from 2014, and is plagued with problems such as: If RAM speed is set higher than 1066mhz, it bricks the entire motherboard and needs the BIOS to be reset. CPU-Z voltage constantly shows a voltage of 2.232v. CPU-Z also states that the chipset is actually the QM57 chipset, and I can't tell if it is actually a QM57 board or if CPU-Z is wrong. No overclocking in the BIOS, and the multiplier sometimes changes depending if there is a CMOS battery in the motherboard (sometimes x15 when the battery is in, and consistently x20 when the battery is out.) A generally terrible BIOS with few settings to adjust. No display out from iGPU if a dGPU is being used (this may be a normal feature of this board.) Many other minor problems and annoyances that I cannot think of right now (mostly because the board is bricked right now, lol.) I have emailed the company (PCWinMax) and got a response, I answered the questions they asked me and I still haven't got a response in the past three weeks. I knew the BIOS would be bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad. If I can't get the board working tommorow, I will raise hell to return it. I really wanted the board to be alright, but its just terrible. My goal was to see if Prema would be interested in unlocking/modding the BIOS, but he is a busy man, and even if he is willing to help, I have a feeling some of the problems with the board are on a hardware level, and are things that can't be fixed. I really hope this was a defective board, but even if it is, I don't plan on getting another. I might take a shot at the HM77 boards as those seem to be built a bit better and have more reviews, but they're made by the same company, and I worry that more money will be dumped for the same experience I am having right now.
  6. I looked into getting one of those a while ago, but they aren't really meant for consumers like us. You need to email them, and I did, and still haven't got a response. Even if the tool was buyable, it would probably be expensive, and it seems it is intended for round pipes. Thanks for trying to help out though!
  7. Yeah, I have two ideas right now. I can't really fit any pipes close directly on the cold plate because they are either too thick, or need to be bent a lot to not interfere with the fan. This is my first idea, and why I intially asked about transferring heat from a heatpipe to another. This is my second idea. I would need to find a way to bend the curly pipe in a way to cover the VRM area though, but how would I go about bending the pipe? Do I just heat it up and slowly work at it with gloves or is there another way?
  8. Alright, I see what you're saying. I have the heatsinks from my GT72VR still and a heatsink from a CX61. I might be able to put them beside the already existing heatpipes. Also, how how effective is transferring heat from one heatpipe to another. I might've found a way to cool the VRMs with a small heatpipe. I'm away from home right now, but I will send another idea I have once I arrive home. I might be able to make something even better than I thought was possible 😉
  9. Yeah, I will probably need to bend the pipes a bit to get some better contact with the main heatsink, but that shouldn't be too hard. I don't have a sandblaster, so I might just have to use regular sandpaper, but I dread doing that lol. Here's my idea: I'm also a bit worried about the air gaps between the heatpipes that are on the stock heatsink. will I need to use something to cover the small gaps, or is it not a big deal? The red plastic is what I would like to do in regards to VRM cooling, but I need to talk to others here to see how soon I can get a pipe with the same or similar dimensions as the plastic prototype. I may need to do add it on layer, and if so, could I just use lower melting point solder paste as to not melt the two heatpipes I already added?
  10. Ended up taking the pipes off of the old heatsink. It seems the melting point for the solder was around 160-170C, so I don't really have to worry about the pipes on the other heatsink coming off when using the 138C solder paste I plan on using. I plan on flipping the pipes around to go in the other direction, but I'm a bit worried as thats the side with the paint. Is it alright to solder them with the paint aimed towards the solder, or do I need to remove the paint? Also, do I need to clean off the solder from the pipes at all? And if so, what would I use to clean it off?
  11. Just got the third fan for my P870 as I plan on combining my two 980m heatsinks together soon, and its MUCH faster than the CPU and main GPU fan. I wish there were alternatives to those, I don't know why they are so slow. I think its because the fan for the secondary GPU is also used as the CPU and GPU fan in the P7xx laptops, so it needs to move faster to cool those components better.
  12. That sucks... Isn't 51NB the website that had some guys make some modern motherboards for the older X series of thinkpads?
  13. I'm seeing 3090s on Ebay go and sell for ~850-900 USD. 3070s are selling for around 450. The prices of these used cards have crashed so hard its not even funny. I hope the prices will continue to get lower as that means older GPUs will be pushed to become cheaper and cheaper. Maybe I can build myself a decent rig here soon and demote the P870 to a secondary computer lol.
  14. The Legacy boot thing could be the problem. Is there a way in ASUS BIOSes to unlock settings like MSI laptops? Maybe you can figure out how to turn on legacy boot. If not its no big deal, I could see if I can re-create the problem on another ASUS I know of and see if I can get a fix. Just keep exhausting all options if you can, while I don't care for ASUS's laptops all too much, I hate seeing good hardware being thrown away/destroyed because it has prematurely failed. Good luck!
  15. Could either be damaged display cable or defective vRAM/memory controller as Jaybee said. MATS is a good way to test for defective vRAM. Watch this video and it will help you diagnose your problem. Also, use the exact same version of RUFUS that this guy uses. Newer versions tend to not work right when partitioning the flashdrive in the desired way for some reason.
  16. Sea of Thieves is fun, I play it quite often, though, its a bit hard and boring to play solo. Get some buddies to play with you and it will be very, very fun.
  17. That seems to be MODS, I am assuming you have tried MATS first. MODS is really confusing to use. I've never needed to use it, but I would assume there are guides out there of how to use it. I am in a discord server for a guy named Tech Cemetery who fixes GPUs. His server might have a guide of how to use MODS, I'll dig through there and see if I can find anything. Its a patreon only server though, and I'm only in because I was in before he switched it, so I can't type in any of the channels. My assistance may be limited.
  18. It seems a good chunk of the internet went down, was playing Bloons Tower defense with some buddies and thought my internet went out, but Youtube and this website still worked. We all got booted off and it seems many websites are broken, hopefully all is well. Probably just a solar flare or something.
  19. I got this 128gb Silicon Power SSD from Amazon because it was really cheap and I needed it for my project. I am a bit disappointed how it was shipped though, it doesn't help that its quite hot outside where I am and it was stuffed into our oven of a mailbox.
  20. I got a job doing concessions at two local baseball fields in my town. I started work on May 25th and was supposed to be paid the 9th. I still havent been paid and "should" get paid on the 23rd. I've worked 100+ hours and am very frustrated that I still haven't been paid. It has put off some things I've been wanting to do and buy. According to many of my coworkers (many I know personally from school and other activities,) the league has been really annoying and bad to work for/deal with. Most of us plan on quitting at the end of this season to hopefully send a message to the league that they have many problems to fix.
  21. Yep, its the IMB-180. A guy on the bot used one for a 4900mq or 4910mq (can't remember,) I asked him how he got it on his page and no response. He's from Romania, which probably makes it easier for him to get wackier stuff like that. I believe you can find them on Aliexpress or Taobao. I think I saw one recently, but for like 400-500USD and month long shipping. I'm keeping my eyes out on one for cheap though, it'd be really good for taking the Haswell mobile records 😉
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