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Everything posted by Maxware79

  1. Hello, If you have the 4930MX then you have the 18, not the M18x R2. 1. No, you won't need anything extra 2. As above 3. Some 1080's have an additional power connector because the MXM slot does not provide enough power to run the 1080. Some 1080's don't have the extra connector though 4. Not really sure about this one. Running different cards in the same machine could cause some issues and I'm not sure if there is a reason why you'd want to. You used to be able to set a second card to run Nvidia PhysX but that's dead now 5. The Unlocked BIOS is required and available on this site You'll have to learn how to mod the Nvidia driver. Here is a written guide and also a Youtube video https://null-src.com/posts/nvidia-notebook-driver-inf-mod/post.php
  2. Hopefully this helps and hopefully the files you have include everything you need. If you don't have the fpt and prr2 then try my Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3u0hqst2cg7276t/AACxTHilIBnYk9_YaEF_hN6-a?dl=0 It should automatically run the prr2 tool (well I'm pretty sure it did on my M18x R2) but you'll need to run flash.bat to start the flash. My M18x BIOS file had a flash.bat file so make sure that your R4 also has it somewhere. As always, flash at your own risk. I've done the M18x a few times and never had an issue but it's been a long time since I've tried the M17x R4.
  3. Yes you definitely need a bootable USB drive. Just grab a spare one and use RUFUS to format it and then you put all the BIOS files and tools into the root directory. Restart the laptop and go into the boot menu (F12) and select the USB. Then you run the PRR tool. Let me have a quick look to see if I can find the exact technique. It's been a while.
  4. The BIOS should be available here but if it's not then let me know. There are some tools that need to be included with the BIOS file. Installation is usually generally easy and I'll try and find a guide. TechInferno should also have a guide. I'm not sure why the unlocked BIOS would be required though
  5. Wow, they still ask a lot for a board.
  6. How much did a new board set you back? Do you think your secondary MXM port is bad?
  7. Post your Hardware ID from device manager and I'll write the line you need to insert. Also, a trap for some people is that the .inf will contain two separate lists of ID's. Each list is for the different compatible OS and as the newest drivers are for Win10 and Win11 there will be the first long list of ID's and then if you scroll further down the list will start again. Put your modded line in each group so you are covered for your OS. Also don't forget to add your String at the bottom of the .inf or it won't work.
  8. Some of the guys here have been working on archiving the old NBR database so it isn't gone forever
  9. I would keep trying vBIOS versions until you find one that works but, as always, flash at your own risk. This is usually the issue when there is no automatic fan control. I'm assuming that you have the system in SG mode to run the 1070 so the card shouldn't heat up when you're just in the Windows desktop.
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