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Everything posted by Papusan

  1. Thanks Fox. I have lokked at Asus driver download page. I'm now on Win 10 LTSC 2021 for testing. Will install 2019 LTSC when I get the ssd's I need. What drivers do you use? INF drivers and clean and no bloat IMEI from Win-Raid? And what of them are needed from the Asus download page? I know you have EVGA but I expect it will be the same for me and Asus. As well what is the latest stable firmware for Asus Z690 boards (Apex). I think about latest bios before Intel's screw up and forced the OEM to removed AVX512 support. I mean MSI have relesed a new Beta bios who still have AVX512 support. Not sure if Asus will do the same. Current bios version is the release Version 0231 @electrosoft @Talon @johnksss I say yes thanks for all valuable info. Again, Thanks 🙂
  2. Yep, this tread is all about Win 11 @Mr. Fox @Ashtrix+++
  3. Have still +53 days to determine if I want this chips or not. Hope we can see the KS chips in the web shops even if Intel say only their OEM partners will have them for new builds. Yep, not so happy with how thight the cooling head is vs the VRM heatsink. I can't fit in a mm in between. And I had to remove the cover on the block. If tou have seen my previous post. Arctic support sucks. +9 days to get a working ticket (to get help) in an email. What a tragedy. Wish I went for custom cooling but I need more parts and have already paid a lot due Norwegian taxes. We pay around 30-35% higher prices on parts vs etc U.S. Can't beat disgusting... Can we?🙄 Btw. What key to enter USB with Win iso on Asus board?
  4. The new machine booted up. Used an OS disk from one of the old. Need to format and clean install. But heres the results from the bios and how it looks like for now. Huge space for cables. I found some parts that could power some of the fans. The fan cables is simply too short in this big chassis🙂 I think its okeyish.
  5. Hi Talon. I have to be short. I have visit and lack a bit time. I try work with the new pc in between. If I remember correctly... Bro TPS from NBR saw a gain when he connect this cable even if he had a single GPU. More stability and a bit better performance. I lack a lot parts and had to make some changes for the cooling/pc etc. We don't have much pc parts in the shops here home. And if I find something what I need it takes some time get it if I order it. They have to take it from the bigger shelves (wholesalers) outside Norway. Then it has to be shipped to the store, then back to me. Only way to avoid the dreade 25% tax on everything. Even on the shipping Anyway. Had to take of a cover on the cooler head to be able to make it fit on the Cpu. Arctic cooling have an awful support. They need 9 days mimimum to answer in email. Have never seen such bad support before. Yep, awful. And then I need maybe 3 weeks more to get the new cooling head cover that should fix compatibility issues with some Asus boards. I used toothpaste to check the fits between coldplate and IHS. Some say they have problem with a good fit with the Arctic cooling due the flaws above, but I think this will be ok with some work. Need more screws/parts. Of course we don't have shops near me that have all the collection I need. And the small webstores don't have everything. I had to re-route the possition the Corsair commander Center was mounted to be able to connect some of the fans (yep, lack of parts). Had to use an hairdrayer to soften the sticky glue on the CC box so I could turn it around to put it in horizontal possition. Yep, very fun build computers whit lack of parts and have to improvise the best you can. Hail, Norway. And the second 750 Ti popped up. I'll test it when I have the time, then sell it. Paid same low price as for the EVGA card. Talk later when I have more time. Have a nice weekend brothers 🙂
  6. HeHe. I know you like such type footwear😀 At least I like them Most likly not a big difference bethween revisions. If you don't have the latest you'll need the upgrade kit for 12th gen chips. Yep You can put in a lot of stuff into this chassis. I had a wheelbarrow lying around in the garage. So I use this as an emergency solution. And I have to find a solution for the Cpu cooling. Not very keen put the Water radiator on top of the chassis. Maybe a huge big thick fan shroud would work. Make a custom one. If the fan tray is strong enough to hold the rad/fans longer out out from the tray As it is now I think I'll have to put the rad on top and push the air out as exhaust (in push pull). With 8 strong fans in the front I mean this is the best solution. What you think about that? The intake on top is probably a bottleneck if i would take the air from there int the radiator. @Mr. Fox
  7. The new 1000D Monster + the 420 AIO(rev 4) have landed. And the Crocs is still on the pictures only for you bro @electrosoft😀This chassis is huge. A real beauty. My wife wondered if I knew it was this big, when I ordered. But big toys for big boys, trump everything, LOOL @Mr. Fox @Ashtrix @johnksss @Rage Set @Normimb +++++ It looks like the old piano stool I have will fit perfectly for this chassis. I have some good quality wheels lying around that can be used for the pc project. And they are of course not as expensive and fancy as the $700 Apple greater wheels,. I don't pay this much fore some small wheeels😀 But this will bee good for my backhttp://notebook-review.com/core/images/smilies/smile.gif
  8. Thanks bro Normimb. When you get it well below 50% of prices new you have done a good deal 🙂 Even the Evga 750 Ti I have fun with now will cost me zero cash when I sell it afterwards:) I paid $68 for it and on the web stores it cost around 280$. https://hwbot.org/submission/4919565_papusan_3dmark11___extreme_geforce_gtx_750_ti_2473_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4919559_papusan_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_750_ti_90977_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4919563_papusan_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_750_ti_48433_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4919564_papusan_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_750_ti_36219_marks
  9. Hi. Still lacking parts for my new pc so I can't tell. But from what I have seen... 6000 J series could be both SK. Hynix or Samsung. Most likely Samsung on the newer batches. 6400 should be SK. Hynix from what I have seen. @johnksssand @Talon should be able to confirm.
  10. I see a lot DDR5 here home. But everything is expensive and most sticks is below DDR5-6000. Mostly 4800/5200 kits. Got second ram kit in the post today. The 6000 G.Skill kit will go back to the store. Cheaper, yep but no dice🙂 Forgot to add in... The black sticks was most popular. The website I bought them from become empty of them short after they was aviable, but the silver 6400 kits is still listed as aviable. Not only me that like it black😀 Thats great to hear:) Exactly how you want it bro @Mr. Fox Yep, I have done it before, LOOL The 3DM Cloud Gate graphics score is good enough for 3rd place on the bot when my new pc build is up. Same also for 3DM Fire Strike graphics score. Should easily grab 4th place with this Evega graphics card🙂 https://hwbot.org/submission/4917191..._ti_2663_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4917189..._ti_5399_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4917188...ti_23808_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4917192..._ti_1199_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4916357...in_24sec_990ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4916357...in_24sec_990ms Btw. The Corsair K95 keyboard I bougt on the used market a week ago here home poopped up today. Great d value and almost as brand new as it was adverticed on the sales page. It cost $231 here home. Got it for $90 USD. Yep, a very nice dealhttp://notebook-review.com/core/images/smilies/smile.png
  11. Papusan


    Thanks for trying make an replacement place for NBR.I appreciate it. Papusan from NBR
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