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Everything posted by Maxware79

  1. Any 'NVidia' GPU 😉 @tosscobobble the inf mod may seem tricky but it's actually easier than you think and we're all here to help. I remember buying a 560M for an M15x back in 2012/13 and I couldn't find any good guides on how to do it and I couldn't find anyone to help.
  2. A lot of information has been lost due to NotebookReview being shut down and now recently Alienowners. That's why a few guys got this site running a little while ago. There is a NBR archive here though that has all the old threads to search through. Walk your way through the guides and let me know if anything stumps you. If you want to get me your hardware ID then I can help you write the line that needs to go into the .inf Go back into device manager and find the basic display adapter, right click on it - Properties - Details - select Hardware ID from the dropdown. I just need the first or second line
  3. Sounds very similar to this post How did you clear the CMOS? Did you bridge the CMOS battery connector pins? It sounds like you've tried the blind flash but maybe you didn't quite do it right
  4. Then the card is being detected. You need to modify the driver. Written guide and video below. Video thanks to @ssj92 https://null-src.com/posts/nvidia-notebook-driver-inf-mod/post.php Just let us know if you need any help. A few of us have done this sort of thing many times
  5. If GPU-Z can see the card then then the laptop is also detecting it. When you go to Device Manager what does it show you under Display Adapters? If you see a Microsoft Basic Display Adapter or VGA Adapter then that will be the 680M without a driver installed.
  6. I'm assuming you mean that Windows completely freezes up and you need to do a hard shutdown. Whenever I've had this happen it's been a hardware issue with the GPU, unfortunately. Keep an eye on the GPU temps leading up to the lock
  7. Looks like a good plan. If the card isn't getting power then I would assume that the BIOS won't detect the card. Will be interesting to see though.
  8. I've thought about doing this a few times over the years but never did anything about it. I'd imagine that you'd definitely have to find a way of disabling the MXM slot as putting another functional card in there could cause some issues. If you don't care about the AMD card, I would cut the pin edge off so it didn't sit into the slot. This should work perfectly. If you do care about the card then find a GTX 260M and cut that up. It should be dirt cheap.
  9. Fingers crossed he takes a look at it soon for you. Really hope he makes a video on it.
  10. Are you asking for an unlocked BIOS? For the 17 R1 or M17x?
  11. Hey. I replied to your post on the Dell site before realising you have already posted here. The BIOS you need is on this site for free thanks to ssj92 You will have to remove the 1070. Once you flash the unlocked BIOS you still need to get into the BIOS to swap the video mode to SG. You'll continue to get an 8 beep error if the 1070 is in the laptop
  12. The 770M should work. I haven't looked at the R1 BIOS for a while but I'm assuming it has the same HD Audio as the M17x R3 that needs to be disabled to run the 700M and 800M cards.
  13. The 900M series will not work in the R1 due to the UEFI requirement of those cards. There have been people trying to work around it for years but no confirmed success yet. The R1 BIOS is the limiting factor with anything past the 800M series
  14. Just note that the file name, M18R2 in the guide is for the M18x R2. The 18 will need to be given a different name, which I have no idea what it is. You may need to use PhoenixTool to work that out. Can't remember how to use it though.
  15. Unfortunately, an undetected card in the BIOS usually means that it's dead. You could try removing it and making sure all the pins on the card and the MXM slot are clean and try reseating it. The 900M series need UEFI mode but that shouldn't stop it being detected at all.
  16. Very few people would pay that kind of money for an R1 board but there will probably be someone out there who just wants to get their old system working and don't care about the cost. I sell my refurbished M18x's for around $800-1000AUD - (Currently $550-670USD) so I'd probably sell an R2 board for about $300USD, R1 for about $250. The R2 board is much more sort after due to it's upgrade possibilities so it usually fetches a higher price than the R1 board. Prices for these definitely aren't going down as stock for these boards worldwide gets lower and lower. Markets in different countries varies a lot so take these prices with a grain of salt. I could probably ask for more for my complete systems but I don't want to wait 6 months before I find the 'right buyer'.
  17. Funnily enough, I bought an M14x R2 off ebay this week and it arrived yesterday. Along with a few other issues it was listed as occasionally not booting with a beep code. I assumed it was the 5 beep cmos error but it turned out to be the 1 beep BIOS corruption error and it would only boot once for about every 20 non-boots. When it did boot, I found that it was still on BIOS A01 but I couldn't flash the BIOS as there was no battery installed (Stupid Dell) so I decided to try the USB blind flash. I picked A04, extracted the right file and changed the name to M14R2.hdr (just a guess) and threw it onto a FAT32 USB. The M14x doesn't have eSata so my only choice was a USB port. Started the process and walked away, not expecting it to work. Came back 10 mins later and it was working. The 1-Beep error seems to have gone.
  18. If you have no luck using the e-sata port for the flash then try the regular USB port. Someone on TechInferno tried that after having no luck with the e-sata and it worked. Just in case the guy can't fix it
  19. This guy is great. I've been watching a few of his videos over the past few months. man, I wish I had these skills.
  20. If anyone is looking for a V3 adapter, someone on the Dell Community Forum has these details for a contact. Was from Aliexpress, I believe. Shenzhen Jia Neng Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.Contact Name: Andy Zhan Registered company address: CN,Guangdong,Shenzhen,301, Building 16, Gangbian Fang, Fuxing Road, Futian Street, Futian Dist.Company Tel: 0086-0755-82711961Company Email: 13713864939@139.com
  21. Often it's not the best employees that get promoted. Some companies don't like moving someone that is actually good at their job because then they have to fill that position with someone with lesser ability and it costs them money. Then the good employee gets sick of being treated like this and they leave so the company loses the employee completely.
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