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Mr. Fox

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Posts posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I am at the point that I just flat-out don't care anymore. I basically despise mobile computing now because everything left to buy is rubbish that I don't have any desire spend my money on. The goal for me is now exactly that. Spend as little as possible and expect nothing more than rudimentary functionality as device that can do email, web browsing and basic office productivity. When it craps out, toss it into a dumpster and find the next cheapest thing available.


    For those that haven't noticed, Wheezer is no longer in my signature. My wife needed a new computer. Her XPS 15 is about 10 years old. She started to notice some slowness with the dual core Gen 3 i5, 16GB of DDR3 and GeFarts GT635M, so the TongFang turdbook is hers now. I could not identify anything worth purchasing for her that I felt had a price tag consistent with the product. Everything that would be more powerful than her old turdbook is a poor value, yet still an anemic and pathetic product. Looking made me feel ill. Chintzy crapbooks that sell for ~$1500-$1700 are only worth about $500 in my opinion.


    I have taken the XPS 15 in case I need to go out of town and need a web browsing device. It beats the hell out of using a cell phone. Otherwise, it sits on a shelf and collects dust like the other turdbook was doing before we traded. This will be the only laptop I own/use until it stops working, then I will buy a used Chromebook on Craiglist for as little as possible... like maybe $150-200. It's all throw-away trash now and it should be priced like throw-away trash. 


    Like the song says... millions are falling in line... but, I will no longer be their whore. No more, no more.




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  2. OK, I will post a couple of samples to see how the forum image management handles them. In both cases I will include images with a variety of text on light and dark backgrounds to test for clarity and readability of text, which is the more problematic situation with screenshots. Definitely more of an issue viewing photos and images with text than those without. 


    This first screenshot is from my work computer. It has three 1920x1080 monitors, so a full-screen image is 5760x1080.



  3. 15 minutes ago, electrosoft said:

    Port Royal isn't really a valid test unless you're comparing first gen vs second gen RT only. 

    I rarely  run it. It seems kind of meaningless to me in the grand scheme of things. Having a high Port Royal score also doesn't mean you are going to have impressive scores in other graphics benchmarks. I view it as more of a gimmick for gamer kids that care about ray tracing more than anything else. Tests like Fire Strike, Time Spy and 3DMark 11 are much better sytem performance indicators.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Papusan said:

    Latest 3DMark filth removes Sky Diver. It is no longer available because the idiots at UL decided they don't want it. Deciding not to support it is one thing. Not letting 3DMark users decide if they want to install it and continue using it is another. I haven't liked 3DMark for a while, but I like them even less now. But, that's OK. One less excuse to continue using Winduhz isn't a bad thing. That stupid and worthless new 3DMark "Storage Benchmark" sure as heck won't be a reason to.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, ssj92 said:

    What core /memory offsets are people getting with 3090 KPE on its stock cooling?


    Running 3090 benches right now, will swap out 3090Ti after. 


    3090Ti is HUGE and HEAVY. I consider this a four slot card. 


    Should have some results later tonight 😄

    Nice. Looking forward to seeing it. I have never really overclocked mine on stock cooling, so I would not know what to tell you I run 200 to 210 on chilled water so probably 175 offset on core would work, although it will probably drop clocks as the core temps exceed 35-40°C. My memory overclock is the same regardless of cooling and it will vary by GPU. I can run memory at 1550 offset without an issue. Depending on teh qualty of your memory silicon, you may have a different threshold on what works. I would guess that even with low quality memory silicon quality 1200-1300 should be doable.

  6. 1 hour ago, Papusan said:

    You need older drivers on older cards. Newer drivers from Nvidia is a fiasco.

    It is their form of digital genocide. They appear to derive pleasure from killing their own offspring. This seems to be a common form of evil in the tech world.


    My new baby needs a place to live, so I am going to kill my older child, which I no longer love, to make a place for them.

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  7. 2 hours ago, johnksss said:

    Not sure if I'm having good luck or bad luck...


    1: Hydro copper Water blocks cracks and leaks all over motherboard so I thought.

    2: EVGA issues refund as they do not know if they are getting any new blocks in.

    3: Asus Maximus Z690 Extreme can't run 6400 Trident Z5 in XMP so board gets axed and replaced with MSI Unify-X

    4: Pump goes out on water block so 3090 KPE gets RMA'd. They cant fix it so they give me "new to me" 3090 KPE. Card is a beast!

    5: I find brand new Hydro Copper block on EVGA forums and purchase so I have a water block for cards return.

    6: Put water block on and card shows more improvements.

    7: Now 1600 T2 starts acting funny. People say run Time Spy and it will tell you if your PSU is bad. Funny thing is, I was running Time Spy and it would just cut off and computer would restart. 

    8: One the phone with EVGA explaining the problem and now the cpu red light is staying on. Over clock panel is staying on and also the reset button is lit up. People with these boards know that these lights are all off when the board is powered off. EVGA as to restart and pop. PSU goes out and gives video card a PXE power error. Now I'm in panic mode thinking that something just happened to my beasty GPU. I swap PSU's and it boots and card is fine. (Close call!) I reconnect 1600W T2 and now board wont power on. PSU is on it's way to RMA.

    9: With 1200W PSU the CPU light, reset button and over clock panel are still on. Calls MSI and now that board is on it's way to RMA.

    10: So now i grab another board to keep me busy, but was not about to buy another Asus board as they did not have the Apex so I grab a MSI Unify board, and of course trying to run two sticks on a 4 dimm board at rated speeds is a project, but not as hard as it was with the extreme board. While there I decide to check some of the boxes against the batch number I got from Mr. Fox a few weeks ago, but they are well into the 200 range at my Microcenter so i'm like...uhgggg. And the MC employee is also curios about the new batch numbers. So I take a chance and grab one just to see. Get home and the chip boots and seems to run fairly well with crappy memory timings. So now im wondering what kind of chip i got in the lottery. Go back to Microcenter and they don't do chip testing so I grab another Asus board and test. I lucked up on a SP98. Wow!


    Now all this is to say.....had my water block not boke when it did.....I would still be back where I was. So what kind of luck would you call that?😆



    That seems like a happy ending, but sounds like a very nightmarish sequence of events. Your luck must have run out because you spoke to me on the phone a week or two ago, LOL. I'm doing OK now, but for about 6 months I felt like I was jinxed or something because absolutely nothing was going right... one thing after another, after another. I came very close to throwing in the towel forever. 


    Congrats on the CPU. The bin is better than mine or Brother @Papusan. In fact, it think his and mine are nearly identical.


    I haven't ever put it in an ASUS board myself. This screenshot is from the person that sold it to me. I don't know what BIOS revision or motherboard model it was installed in.


    • Like 2
  8. I fully expected it would work, but confirmation is always nice. Add Wolfenstein: The New Order to the list of Linux compatibility. It's capped at 60 FPS just like Winduhz, but it plays equally well. So, the counted tested is 13 titles, with 12 working well.



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  9. 7 hours ago, Reciever said:

    Try one more time fella's if its not fixed then we have a good idea where the issue may lie, but will wait until tomorrow after work to tweak


    6 hours ago, Reciever said:

    Ok its looking much better now 🙂


    Thanks again fellas

    Yes. It is a whole lot better, but...


    Still severe degradation... note size limitation. You cannot preserve original image resolution. The forum software will not allow it. Still need to use an image hosting service when quality matters. That said, sometimes quality isn't important.


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  10. 3 hours ago, Prema said:

    Hi (•̀ᴗ•́)و

    Welcome, Brother @Prema. So glad you joined us. You have been missed greatly.

    5 hours ago, ssj92 said:

    I ordered the EVGA 3090Ti FTW3 Gaming Black. The base 3090Ti EVGA sells. All of their models except hybrid and kingpin are only different from vBIOS OC. I'm sure I can get "ultra" model performance easily. KPE is a different story. I wouldn't be surprised if my 3090 KPE can keep up with the 3090Ti FTW3. We'll see tomorrow as I plan to compare them =D 


    Finally putting these things in my 10980XE build again. (3090 KPE until it sells but 3090Ti will stay inside my computer this time instead of Titan V [hoping it fits])

    Nice. I am eager to see how the comparison shakes out. Congrats again.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Talon said:


    I have the Omen 16.1" with 3070 115w.. I don't bench it often but will see if I can find a score. 


    I don't watch this guy often but this direct die cooling setup might be interesting for some of you.. The results is actually super impressive. 



    @johnksss @Mr. Fox @electrosoft

    Yes, he has a rather annoying personality and communication style. He is like a drunk buildzoid with Tourette's Syndrome , LOL.


    He has some fairly decent content though, and I watch some of his videos in spite of it. I watched both of his videos on the 12900K delid and it looks good. Very impressive. I am waiting for a normal die frame that replaces the ILM.


    I don't want that kind of bare die block. I have one for 10th/11th Gen and never installed it because I do not like how it is made. I should probably sell it to someone that could use it.

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  12. Just now, Reciever said:

    Bear with me fellas, were getting there. Embedding works well but as I'm sure you guys know after a while those sites either delete or cycle out which breaks the links. I would rather host them here. 

    No worries. Growing pains and learning on the fly is expected.  You guys are doing great. I agree that hosting them here is better for the reason stated.

    2 minutes ago, Reciever said:

    We were catching up as we both haven't been on TeamSpeak in a week or so and both quite tired.

    You should both get some rest then. You deserve it and it is important. We will still be here. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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  13. 5 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    This sounds like a prelude speech to ordering a KPE 3090ti. 🙂


    Did you at least queue up for a KPE 3090ti?

    No to both things. I am not planning on a GPU upgrade for probably at least one, maybe even two years.


    And, had the answer been yes it most likely would not be for one that has one or two (or zero) options for a water block. I am really done with that. Reference PCB with hardware and firmware mods that void the warranty is the only way to fly now. I don't want to have to accept the only option or choose between one option that isn't what I want versus a second overpriced option that takes 6 months to arrive. I'm just not OK with that anymore.


    I am really not liking a lot of what I see happening in PC tech in general. I'd probably be pleased if I were a gamer. But, because the only thing I care a lot about it overclocking, there is less to like now. Even if I were to ditch overclocking and try to rekindle my interest in gaming, nobody actually needs high end PC parts for gaming. Mid-range and last generation or two old components is almost always more than adequate for gaming.


    That would also be difficult because I don't like any of the genres and titles that are most popular now. The past few times I thought I might want to blow money on a game, I could not find anything that I was interested in. Steam seems to be catering to indie crap that is turn-based, open world, MMORPG, RPG and Strategy and I really do not enjoy anything like that even a little bit. When I do actually find something that looks like it might interest me, it often turns out to be some online multiplayer piece of crap with no offline single-player campaign.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Reciever said:

    Thanks @Talon maybe Hiew needs to lower that setting instead of max lol


    Im sure others can confirm but that is quite blurry to my eyes

    Yes, it did look blurry to my eyes as well. Here is another. The problem is down-scaling. That image is 2560x1440, but uploading to the forum it makes it smaller (1000x562) and utterly worthless for clarity. I think a  thumbnail preview is fine, but clicking the image should make it the original resolution. Otherwise, the only solution is to upload it somewhere else, then embed it using the direct image link so clicking the image opens it from the hosting site instead of here.


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  15. 17 hours ago, ssj92 said:

    3090Ti coming Friday, the perks of living in the same state as EVGA. 

    I'd say you were lucky for that reason, as well as having a Microcenter (at least if you are in SoCal). But, I am not sure that those would be good reasons for me to want to live there. Seems like I can think of lots more reasons I wouldn't want to, LOL.


    Congrats on the GPU. What model of 3090 Ti did you order?


    I look forward to seeing what kind of overclocked benchmarks scores you will experience. It is hard to make sense of the marketing fluff because it is somewhat subjective and driven based on stock/reference numbers that benefit marketing more than the end user. A 3090 Ti specs are not remarkably greater than 3090 and it feels like both a money grab and a back-stabbing show of "appreciation" for the customers that wanted the best the Green Goblin had to offer.


    But, I asked what model you purchased because the playing field is far from level. A 3090 KPE or Galax HOF GPU, both with power limits set higher than the functional capacity of the GPU and unlocked voltage that sidestep common performance impediments, have remarkably more performance potential than a reference 3090. Yes, they might perform about the same running stock, but probably not many people that spend extra money to buy card built for overclocking care that much about stock performance. Some may buy it purely for e-peen or bragging rights. At the end of the day, it's how far you can push it beyond stock that matters most.


    A reference design 3090 Ti might not even offer a 5% performance bump if pitted against an unlocked enthusiast 3090 GPU when you start overclocking the crap out of the enthusiast-grade 3090. It might not even keep up. Likewise, a 3090 Ti KPE or HOF might offer more than a 10% performance bump over a typical 3090 when you break out the whip and start to punish it. We don't know and can't trust marketing nonsense to tell us what we need to know. They're only going to tell us what they want us to believe.


    If all I planned to do was play games and run stock clocks, I would save a lot of money and just buy a 3060 and call it good enough.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Katja said:

    How to make me miss playing Infinite Warfare in a single screenshot. I put more time into that game than I care to admit, but it was kind of a guilty pleasure.

    It really is an awesome game. I enjoyed the heck out of it too.

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