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Everything posted by jaybee83

  1. cool idea for this thread πŸ˜ƒ OG jaybee83 on NBR:
  2. sweeeet im actually looking at the enthoo pro II as a case for my future build πŸ™‚ any notes from ur experience so far? also looks like ure rocking the arctic freezer II, is that the 420? exactly the one im planning to go for 😁
  3. good guide bud, ive personally been using parted magic in a live ram environment via usb stick to properly reset my ssds every once in a while. helps keep them fresh performanse-wise!
  4. been using the "triumvirate" of thermal pastes ICD, GC Extreme and Kryonaut for ages now, coupled with Gallinstan as a super cheap alternative to brand name liquid metal pastes. still have a huge tube of kryonaut to get through, but looks like there are some new players to check out πŸ™‚ good thread!
  5. in the end it doesnt matter, since u can just limit the max wattage and turn any 9900 sku into an 9900T, basically. but yeah, its definitely a beast inside a laptop and not straight-forward to tame πŸ˜„
  6. oh boy that depends on like a gazillion factors.... the bin, clocks, voltage, application, ambient temperature, cooling (paste, delid, surrounding thermal pads, etc.) i have mine set up at 42/44/46/47/47/48/48/50x Multis for 8 to 1 cores in use, respectively, with a -100 mV UV applied to it. Idles around 40-50, goes up to 70C with light use (browser, media consumption, games, office, etc.) and up into the 90s under heavy loads (transcoding, benching, etc.) can go up to 5.2 ghz for benches but yeah, that is definitely not stable for everyday πŸ˜„
  7. Have been rocking my current P751DM for about 7 years now: CPU - 6700K (Stock) to 7700K (SL bin) to 9900K (SL bin) Storage 1 - 1TB 850 Pro SATA to 1TB 970 Pro M.2 4x3.0 pcie Storage 2 - Added 2x4TB 860 Evo SATA RAM - Upgraded to 4x8GB DDR4-3800 (dont recall stock config lol) Cooling - Repadded and repasted everything on CPU, GPU, VRMs, PCH with liquid metal, fujipoly pads, kryonaut / Delidded CPU and repasted with liquid metal between die & ihs Wifi - Intel 8265 to Intel AX200 Been thinking about upgrading my 980M to a P5200 for a longer while... At the same time, ive now been saving up for a monster desktop for about 2 years now and planning to drop the cash once AM5 and RTX 40 series come out πŸ˜› decisions, decisions! Maybe ill just do both 😁 My Dark Knight is pretty close to my heart, after all....
  8. very good info my man 😁 - the fact the machine did not boot is a good sign, means that the ram settings actually do something. but at the same time it also means that the settings are hidden at stock. is it possible in xtu to set ram clocks and timings? - check and see if u can do anything with afterburner or precisionx when gpu oc is enabled in bios - good to see that at least TS allows UV. but as mentioned above, xtu might allow us to access ram tweaking? - kool, definitely some tweaking room left there! - whats the behaviour now with e cores disabled vs. enabled? u mentioned before u weirdly get higher temps and lower scores with e cores disabled. absolutely agree on the binning, delidding, proper cooling part of the cpu. the cooler the better to be able and reach lower voltages and thus higher clocks πŸ™‚
  9. dude, youre a rock star! so that suggests that going the K route still has advantages even though we are thermally and TDP limited in this chassis, nice! what do the scores look like with E cores enabled? looks like ill have to check with PCS if theyre willing to ship our unit with either a 12700K or 12900K πŸ˜› in their configurator they only offer non-K skus... really too bad they dont offer barebones, but lets see, never hurts to ask πŸ˜‰ edit: ok i checked with PCS on RAM compatibility, K CPU availability, Screen options and possibility to purchase the system as a barebone. lets see what they have to say, will keep you guys posted πŸ™‚ also checked with brother Prema, seems like PCS is the only Clevo licensed shop in the EU that offers the 3070 Ti model.
  10. thx for proving my point! 😁🀣 feels good to be back!
  11. so 2021 seems to be more "feature rich" eh? πŸ˜… and yeah ive run into a few compatibility issues with 1809 unfortunately. lets see, so far 2021 still seems to be a better choice than win11... thx for the info bud, unfortunately ive run out of reactions to give for today πŸ˜‡ currently saving up to jump over to the desktop, waiting for AM5 and RTX 40 series to pop up before i pull the trigger. first desktop build in 15 years for me! 😁
  12. hey bro, since uve tested both LTSC 2019 and 2021, whats your take between the two? been rocking 2019 ever since it came out and thus currently eyeing the successor.
  13. sweet! here's to hoping that we can re-built the NBR community from its ashes πŸ™‚ do we have some kinda "PR" going on for NBT? so far it seems like word is spreading just by ex members word of mouth (like in my case, had no idea about this until recently)
  14. technically yes, but for that i would need to downgrade multiple firmware versions, unfortunately more recent versions are not unlockable anymore.... in any case, currently on the lookout for a new phone but its tricky. sorry for the OT, guys! carry on πŸ™‚
  15. kool, thanks for the pointer! unfortunately im out of reactions for today haha
  16. haha good point πŸ˜„ i shouldve probably mentioned that i manually removed all chinese bloatware crap that was removable and blocked the non-removable stuff from executing (at least as much as possible without having root access). but yeah, as i mentioned in my phone post, its really difficult to find such hardware combo in a phone nowadays, so gotta make compromises, unfortunately...
  17. Have been rocking a Huawei Mate 20X, chinese model with 8/256GB config. what i absolutely love about this phone is the combo of high capacity battery (5000 mAh), big screen (7.2 inch!), relatively current hardware and stereo speakers. what i dont like: basically no option to unlock BL and mod software (unless downgrading to super old firmware) although its been lotsa fun im currently looking for a replacement, but its difficult to find such screen sizes anymore without going foldable...in any case, im eyeing the asus rog phone 5s, but worried the screen might be too small for my taste...lets see, maybe i can last a few months longer for smth better to show up sometime this year. unfortunately, the battery is getting a bit long in the tooth πŸ˜…
  18. very cool, i was actually looking for exactly such a debloater script as by Chris Titus, thx for pointing me to that!
  19. same same! what would a forum be without the likes of you and papusan haha 😁 hahaha appreciate the warm and fuzzy welcome 😁 as far as i understand you're the guy who made NBT happen? job well done, keep it up! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ƒ out of curiosity, what kinda member count are we looking at currently? NBT has been up since end of jan this year approx, right?
  20. agree with the others here that we definitely need a K sku to compare this with. really wanna know if UV would work with a K cpu. also check and see if a higher wattage psu would alleviate the wattage limit the system is showing or if this is smth that the board / EC is responsible for... in any case, thx so far for all the super valuable info here win32asmguy, really appreciate it πŸ™‚ edit: alrighty, i have several questions from my side, hope you'll be in the mood for checking 😁 - does the machine support xmp profiles or just JEDEC ram sticks? - gpu core / vram over/underclocking? - what kind of options does the clevo control center (or current namesake) offer for hardware adjustments? - does intel xtu work? i know TS is preferred, but sometimes xtu offers more adjustment options than TS - with everything tuned down to the max (cpu locked to lowest multi, gpu downclocked and idle, min screen brightness, etc), what kinda battery life are you looking at approx? thanks in advance! 😊
  21. very awesome topic guys, thanks for all the info already posted here! actually looking at this machine as a replacement for my gf's trusty old Dell Vostro from 11 years ago (yikes, ikr! but hey, this is after multiple hardware upgrades, gotta love socketed laptop parts 😁) ive been wondering about the K cpu compatibility here, seems like they are a go if Eurocom's listing is to be believed. would also be very curious to see if there is a way forward in terms of potential upgradeabiliy to Raptor Lake. That'll of course depend on Clevo's willingness to provide BIOS updated an/or inofficial community support πŸ˜…
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