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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I am Mr. Fox. My first name is missing, but my last name is Fox. My first name is also a last name. There are a few famous people who have my first name as a last name and it is the German word for "burner" (like the burner on a stove or a Bunsen burner used in a lab). I don't post my first name in public, but I would tell you in private. In that respect, I am the literal FireFox (by name) even though I don't like that browser very much at all.
  2. I can't believe the brand new sealed box Z590 Dark has been sitting on eBay and Mercari for $170 below retail since Jan 24 with zero interest. Not even any low ball offers. Maybe the gamer kids will go wild if just keep it and instead offer the craptastick Strix Z490 mobo with a CPU and RAM, since they tend to value branding more than quality or performance.
  3. If it is cold outside, put your laptop on the patio, turn it off and let it normalize with the ambient temps. Once it is stone cold and matching the outside air, then go out there, turn it on, max out the fans and run the benchmark again before it has a chance to heat itself up. You'll probably set a new record with that hardware config.
  4. They probably do not, but the bottom line is that it is none of their business. I am glad it did not stop you and I feel bad for people that are so locked up with worry about voiding their warranty that they are willing to tolerate products that malfunction because they were poorly engineered by the nitwits that designed it. It really begs the question about the point in purchasing something specifically because of its potential to be special if you plan to leave it floundering in mediocrity.
  5. Is GPUPI 3.2 a "portable" app that you simply extract and run? If not, did you uninstall it as well? If it has no installer, delete the folder. If you get an error about a file in use or needing permission to delete when trying to delete the folder after running System Restore and rebooting, then it could have been packing some extra stuff that is nasty. You could try deleting it in Safe Mode if that happens. If you start Windows Task Manager, see if something is hogging up CPU and/or memory resources. If something is running in the background it could affect the audio.
  6. Unless the Redmond Retards disabled it and you didn't notice they had, run System Restore and it will probably be as good as new.
  7. @ryan that is really strange. Not sure why that would happen with GPUPI 3.2 being installed.
  8. I don't disagree with you conceptually, although I do not consider that rejecting what you find objectionable is tantamount to virtue-signaling. It is the opposite. Pretending to be inclusive or embracing everything can also be a form of virtue-signaling. Virtue-signalling is very popular among certain groups and hypocrisy in any form is repulsive, but the word "notebook" existed before computers were created or Apple hijacked it. It is also not particularly descriptive and is as misused as the terms "Sheetrock" and "Kleenex" are, but it is generally associated with thin and light stuff. That is why I invented the term "turdbook" (very descriptive) but I now apply that universally to include the so-called DTRs that are equally compromised. Note that I own a turdbook (in my signature). I don't like it very much and don't use it except when necessary, but it is directed in a derrogatory manner toward products and not the people that own them.
  9. Yes, I use a dark theme from Chrome store, but some of them I have used in the past do not render pages correctly. The one I use now does not force dark mode on web pages that do not already have a dark mode option. It generally works best when it is natively supported. Otherwise you get random weirdness like text being too dark to read or black everwhere except text with the text being white over a white background make it as impossible to read as black text on a black background.
  10. A great reason to call them laptops instead of notebooks. Notebooks carries not only the Mac stigma, it also seems to align with the emphais of form over function. That is fine if it is what makes someone all warm and fuzzy feeling, but it is good to avoid making it appear to those looking for a place to hang their hats that this would be a community that primarily caters to that.
  11. I'm glad this form is not part of the XenForo mob. I really dislike it and the original NBR was never as good after the downgrade to XenForo. I think that also contributed to the overclock.net fall from grace in the eyes of many. While my preference is vBulletin, this is a good alternative. I like the Dark Bravo 6 theme. It is much better than the eye-searing and ugly white and cornflower blue bloat-UI mess that seems to be wildly popular with the W10/11 fanboy masses.
  12. By virtue of having all of the notebook manufacturer subforms and threads you still appeal to the narrow interests of notebook brand niche without losing any appeal to folks that have different interests. For example, there are also subforms relating to general hardware, software and operating system discussions that are not specific to laptops. I would love to see some major emphasis relating to driver and firmware mods that free computer users of any and all form factors from the bondage of draconian Nazi control freak computer manufacturing practices. The only way computer owners are going to continue enjoying autonomy is to beat them at their own deceptive and dishonest puppeteer racket the general population of sheeple have bowed to. If we prostrate ourselves before them they will continue to play the role of digi-gods.
  13. A generic focus on all things relating to PC can only be beneficial in terms of driving participation and engagement.
  14. The fact that you were able to keep your hands off the internals of your system for that many years is something in and of itself. I have never managed to use any system for more than a few months, at most, without having a reason to tear things apart for some kind of hardware mod, new experiment or test compelling me to disrupt everything. When laptops were still something I cared about, sometimes I would go for many months without even installing the screws in the lower cover or keyboard. The magnetic keyboard feature on the Clevo P870s was effective enough by itself that it was a waste of time reaching for a screwdriver.
  15. I prefer something that doesn't place a focus on notebooks or laptops in the name, so the first two options or Core-PC are my idea of better choices. I consider that a possible limiting factor to the community because potential members might not have any interest if that is the focus. I am here because I have friends here, but I have no interest in laptops. Does "efgxt" actually stand for something? I have been meaning to ask what the story behind that is, if there is one. Or, is it a meaningless hodge-podge of random letters?
  16. https://valid.x86.fr/3etxyw https://hwbot.org/submission/4927266_mr._fox_memory_frequency_ddr4_sdram_2355.2_mhz https://hwbot.org/submission/4927259_mr._fox_cpu_frequency_core_i9_10900k_5612.32_mhz
  17. I am going to have to check. I don't remember. I know it's way up there with everything totally maxed out and 2560*1440 resolution/165Hz monitor. I bet I played games less than 4 hours for the entire year of 2021, LOL. When I did it was usually just for a few minutes to run some benchmarks.
  18. Welcome, bro. We missed you. Yeah, I don't seem myself parting with my shunt modded 2080 Ti FTW3 or my 3090 KPE for a long, long time. They might both wear out and die before I replace them. I also don't see myself spending as much as I spent on the 3090 KPE on another GPU ever again. I absolutely love the 3090 KPE, but that was a really stupid move financially, even if I ignore the fact that I got it right before the prices went totally bonkers. At the original MSRP it was already way too much money. I do acknowledge that I was very blessed to have snagged it before things went crazy though, for sure. If and when I do get a newer generation GPU it will be an ordinary reference PCB that has lots of waterblock options and I will just void the warranty with firmware, shunt and voltage mods to make it run like I want it to. My modded 2080 TI FTW3 overclocks just as well as just about any KPE of the same vintage using water cooling. It just lacks some of the controls I would need for sub-zero tuning. But, I'm not doing that anyway, so no biggie. @ryan the place to click is invisble (not sure why) until you hover over it. To the far right of the browser in the same row as + Quote there is an area you click on. Find it and the option to give rep will appear out of nowhere. If someone else has already given rep, it is the blank space just to the right of the trophy/heart/thumbs up icons others have applied.
  19. Please do. We welcome all benchmarks here as long as it is not a smartphone or tablet. Anything Crysis related (especially Crysis 3) gets my attention. My favorite game franchise.
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